
New York, NY, United States


Aug 11 at 05:29 PM

Happy Soulful Sunday, Queens! I used today as a real rest day with no workouts, even though I added workouts on my calendar. I was able to catch up on work, clean the house and cook relatively healthy . I did a stretch video:
12/28/23 Stretch Full Body w/Raven
because I wanted to just decompress. Back at it tomorrow with lower body but today was nice! I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening and gear up for a great week!


Aug 10 at 07:00 PM

Happy Super Strong Saturday ladies! Today was all about upper body, and increasing reps. I was able to do:
2/16/24 Advanced Full Hour Power Upper Body w/Yvona
5/7/24 Power Upper Body w/Yvona
7/25/24 Kettlebell Upper Body w/ Chasity
Had to continue growing the booty and did:
Fab 10 minute booty blaster glute activation
Fab 10 minute booty blaster week 2 day 4
I’m feeling stronger and I can see baby muscles coming through. I feel like this is the best shape I have been in so far.. because I’m going to keep pushing to get better day by day💪
Have a wonderful evening ladies 🌹❤️


Aug 09 at 06:30 PM

Happy Friday beauties! Today is build a booty Friday and LORDT! These workouts were insane!
Fab 10 minute booty blaster glute activation Fab 10 minute booty blaster week 2 day 3
1/16/24 booty blaster lower body w/Chasity
8/5/24 booty blaster lower body w/Fabiana
8/7/24 power lower body glutes w/ Yvona

Have a restful evening ladies ❤️


Aug 08 at 08:34 PM

Happy Thursday Queens! Hope you had a great day! When I picked out my videos for today I must have been half asleep last night because today was supposed to be all upper body but I somehow added in full body videos as well. Still made my way through all of them 🤷🏻‍♀️
Workouts today:
Fab 10 minute booty blaster glute activation
Fab 10 minute booty blaster week 2 day 2
2/15/23 power upper body w/Raven
6/1/23 power full body w/Sammi
5/29/24 full hour power full body w/Yvona🔥
8/6/24 power upper body w/Chasity

Ready for this hot shower and rest. Enjoy the evening!🌹❤️


Aug 07 at 05:36 PM

Happy Hump Day! Aka build a booty Wednesday! Stayed in bed a little longer this morning, then got to:
Fab 10 minute booty blaster glute activation
Fab 10 minute booty blaster week 2 day 1
5/20/24 advanced full hour power lower body w/Chasity
7/1/24 booty blaster lower body w/Raven Cruz
7/29/24 booty blaster lower body w/Fabiana

Was craving spaghetti, so I made zucchini noodles with sautéed spinach and ground turkey bolognese. Had to sneak extra veggies in with the spinach 😉
About to do my self care (acupuncture) and rest up. Have a peaceful evening ladies!



Aug 06 at 05:41 PM

Happy Tuesday Queens! Today felt very off for me. Not sure if it’s the retrograde or what, but it took me alot longer to do my workouts today. I still got to it! 💪
Focus: Full Body
1/15/24 full hour power full body with Sammi
2/21/24 advanced full hour power full body w/Yvona Gonzalez ( died 60 times and came back to life )
Fab 10 minute abs week 1 day 2

I have some self care scheduled tomorrow in the form of accupuncture so looking forward to it! Enjoy the rest of your evening Queens 💗


Aug 05 at 09:14 PM

Happy Monday! Hope the beginning of rhe week has started off on the right foot for you ladies. Today was all about upper body! I did:
1/23/24 full hour advanced power upper body w/Raven Cruz
4/15/24 full hour advanced power upper body w/Chasity
Fab 10 minute booty blaster glute activation
Fab 10 minute booty blaster week 1 day 4
Fab 10 minute abs week 1 day 1
Ready to kick back and relax! Have a restful evening!❤️🎉✅


Aug 04 at 04:47 PM

Happy soulful Sunday Queens! It’s build a booty Sunday so I did:
Fab 10 minute booty blaster glute activation
Fab 10 minute booty blaster week 1 day 3
12/28/23 full hour power advanced lower body w/Yvona Gonzalez
1/5/24 full hour advanced power booty blaster lower body w/Yvona Gonzalez
Yvona played NO games in either video, lord help these growing glutes 😂😂😂

Have a relaxing rest of your weekend queens!


Aug 03 at 07:08 PM

Happy Saturday Queens! Ever since the spring LYC I’ve gotten into the habit of waking up early and working out. I went harder when summer LYC came and added in cardio everyday as well.
This past week my body has been screaming it needs rest in different ways . I felt guilty today for waking up around 10, eating breakfast and then working out. I had to remind myself it’s okay to do things out of order and to prioritize the needs that my body is asking for. The working out has been such a release for me. I focused on full body today and did:
11/06/23 full hour power full body with Sammi
3/19/24 full hour power full body with Sammi
7/26/24 power full body with Aimee
Fab 10 minute Booty blast glute activation
Fab 10 minute Booty blast week 1 day 2
After working out I had my “cheat meal” ( 6 chicken nuggets and 3 mozzarella sticks) ,laid in bed and just relaxed. The perfect Saturday for a humid hot ass day in New York.
Remember to love on yourselves in whatever form that is. Have a wonderful evening queens ❤️🌹🙏🎉


Aug 02 at 12:24 PM

Happy Friday! Apparently I woke up and chose violence for lower body day. I did :
4/24/24 advanced full hour power lower body w/Yvona Gonzalez
8/1/24 advanced full hour booty blaster lower body w/Chasity
2/21/24 power lower body with Sammi
Booty blast glute activation with Fabiana
Booty blast week 1 day 1 with Fabiana

All classes had the 🍑 on fire and burned so many calories! Added to favs!
Cheers to the weekend 🥂