
New York, NY, United States

Feb 05 at 09:05 AM

Came back again for the replay but remixed it. ankle weights. 40 seconds each leg for single leg hip thrusts, crab walk with a jump squat and made this into 4 rounds of each and baybee. the sweat and booty burn are real 

Feb 05 at 08:00 AM

Came back again.. added a fourth round, and upped my bands each round with ankle weights on.. im dripping sweat right now♥️


Did this after Aimee's 9/12/24 Power Upper Body and arms on🔥🔥

Came back.. such a 🔥


💦 sweat dripper. The burnout had my legs on 🔥

came back todayl love Aimee's workouts 

SO good 💕

lord have mercy.. replay for the first time. so good! it's mislabeled as core but is really full body , with core sprinkled in there