With the challenges that were done that existing members for free to join (the AHW and the 10k challenge) had an amazing reception and tons of existing members plus new members joined the challenges in those occasions. As you mentioned you’re new here so you have no idea about those challenges and the impact they had which is why im asking if they could be done before why isn’t it a possibility now.
Elaine Liranzo
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Mar 03 at 05:14 PM
Vanessa scott I mean I get it cause it’s their business but to me tbh it’s a money grab. It’s the lyc challenge for the third time in a row. No originality. Before it was Raven and Yvonne, then Raven, now it’s three coaches but the gist is the same. I’m sure they repurpose their meal plan because most meal plans that come with the challenges if one notices are pretty much the same. So it doesn’t seem like a real effort is being made just another way of trying to get money of out people. Idk qw seemed more about the community back then then just making money imo and its cause of stuff like this. I even remember when there used to be target/amazon gift cards given out weekly during shout outs. All that is done with now. There aren’t even classes to differentiate different levels for beginners, intermediate and advanced. It’s getting so wack.