Coach Alexis

Atlanta, GA, United States

You were correct!πŸ§ πŸ‘πŸ‘


I love a good cry... its a great release. I hope you feel better!

Good Guess Renae! The answer was Serena🎾

Hey Queen! Thats great that you found a diet that works for you! Thats the most important thing when it comes to choosing a diet. With regard to the vegan diet..there are several Scientific research studies that show that a vegan diet is a healthy option to consider and has many health benefits in comparison to other diets. However it is true that vegans are more likely to be malnourished due to the nature of the diet...being fully nourished on a vegan diet requires education and discipline. Many vegans think they are eating enough nutrients and supplementing like they should but a large majority are not. I talked about this in the class and gave some great educational resources for those interested in learning more about veganism. To your point about are correct...we absolutely do need healthy cholesterol. Thankfully our liver is capable of synthesizing all the cholesterol our bodies need to maintain hormone balance. Cholesterol from foods typically (not always) impact the LDL (bad) cholesterol which is why there are many vegans as well as non vegans that have high ensuring that our diets have enough healthy fats, grains, fruits and vegetables is really important for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels...which a vegan or plant based diet is great for. Also while many ancestral groups ate meat...there were also many that didn't. For example, the African Heritage Diet is a diet that digs into the history of plant based diets (both vegan and minimal lean meat protein) and the benefits when compared to diets higher in meat. Ill end with this, as a Nutritionist with a degree in clinical nutrition my primary recommendation for anyone is to eat a balanced whole food with whole grains...fruits...veggies...lean proteins...beans and legumes. That is my recommendation because based on research...any diet that limits any of those major food groups increases the risk of nutrient deficiency...whether that be a plant based diet, a keto diet, or any other restrictive diet...unfortunately, the majority of people either lack the discipline, the socieoeconomic access, and/or accurate information to ensure they replace what they remove effectively. Also, transitioning from one restrictive diet to another may help with nutritional deficiencies and other issues that may be caused by the initial diet which is why the transition feels better...but the risk nutrient deficiency is still a possibility either way. ALL that said...there are proven benefits associated with a plant based diets, omnivore diets, and carnivore diets. All can be done in a healthy way, but NONE are going to work for everyone. Which is why I cover a variety of diets in my QW nutrition classes. Despite my bias towards a well rounded diet, I also know as a coach that personal choice is key to success with any diet. The freedom to choose is very important when talking about food, culture, and dietary preferences. It's not my position that as a Nutrition coach I should TELL anyone what to eat specifically...I'm here to provide information so that an informed decision can be made by considering the pros and cons and hopefully providing tips on how to successfully execute whatever chosen diet in the healthiest way possible. Anyway, thank you for your opinion and I wish you success in your health and fitness journey πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ. I hope to see you in one of my live sessions! I'm live every Thurs at 7pm ET. πŸ’•πŸ‘‘


Thanks A Herrera for always supporting! I hope I can drop some gems you can use


Aug 21 at 04:06 PM

Hi Queen! Thurs. @7 pm Et.

Aug 14 at 10:46 PM

So sorry! Cut back on processed foods and red meat if you eat it.Β  Increase your antioxidant rich foods! Green tea, dark leafy greens, red peppers, flax seeds, whole grains, lean meats, berries, and fatty fish!Β 

LaTrece Consistently getting at least 6.5 hrs of sleep is important. Counting calories is not extremely important if you are properly portioning your food. Eating around the same times with a fasting window between 9 or 10am and 6 pm is also ideal. And stay hydrated!
