Sylvia Gonzalez

New York, NY, United States

May 31 at 09:50 PM

You're so right!! I need motivation no matter how it comes... thank you Queen!!



May 31 at 03:11 PM

I'm really on the fence about signing up for LYC, I haven't started anything... what makes me think I'll follow up with this? πŸ™„


May 30 at 01:27 PM

Queen Valeria... thank you so much for that...I listen to the daily affirmations but perhaps I need to listen to them a couple times a day. It's easy to get caught up in the grind and forget what you heard a couple hrs earlier. Journaling is a you do journaling with prompts?

May 30 at 01:24 PM

I believe it's $19

May 30 at 11:05 AM

Thank you Queen... I'm so grateful to have a community of women that won't judge...the struggle is real! πŸ˜”

May 30 at 11:04 AM

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. My emotions are all over the place...but I have to trust that with God all things are possible including starting a workout routine.



May 29 at 10:39 PM

Hi All
Thinking about joining the LYC this a daily without challenge for 30 days?
I need something to get me motivated, I enjoy at the end of April and have done 1 workout.. I'm ashamed and embarrassed.
I've been having severe lower back pain and of course that's played into the lack of motivation...
I don't want to give up before I even start... help!! I'm drowning in my own negative thoughts!


May 21 at 09:55 PM

Love this!


May 16 at 08:39 AM

And so it begins... when you know you know!


May 15 at 11:03 AM

If there's anything I've been doing consistently is these Daily Affirmations... getting there a day at a time
