Yolanda Hope

St Louis, MO, United States

Jun 15 at 04:18 PM

I came back to this one as I have a stepper now. Loved doing the workout with the level changes! 💪🏽🦵🏽💃🏽


Apr 20 at 10:09 AM

Good morning Queens. I've been hit and miss... more miss than hit tho, but it's ok. I saw some posts on the fb page and here in QW app that motivated me to just get up and get to it. I have another full weekend of hw ahead of me, but pushed myself to get up and get back moving. Glad I did. Had a great workout this am with a replay of Coach Jamila. Nice and sweaty, even some drip on the glasses. Lol. I'm finishing out another little stretch before I jump in the shower and start my day. But lovelies it's not a race, it's a marathon and we can do this. The hardest part is starting, but then we feel so great afterward. Thank you Fabi for introducing me to this program and community of amazingly like minded beautiful women like yourself and other coaches! Be blessed you all! 😘 YHW💜 - StL, by way of Detroit! 😉


I liked this and loved the playlist. This is probably the 2nd or 3rd time I've heard someone use Gospel in a workout. I'll have to add some good hits to my workout playlist! Thank you Coach Jamila for a great workout and additional gospel music perspective 🙌🏽


Same! I'm definitely sweating!

I feel almost the same. Like dang I'm on the warm up... lol

Thank you Fabiana for a great workout. I'm definitely sweating! Wheeew! My second workout in the program so far and I loved it. 💪🏽

Feb 06 at 11:52 AM

Oh my this was my first workout with Queen Warriors! Intense, but super fun! And baby did I sweat! Chilee!! I will definitely and happily do this one again! 🥵🥲💃🏽

Jan 30 at 10:20 PM

Ooh your space looks amazingly beautiful! I have a few little items in my apt living room: mini stepper, pilates bar, pilates ring, some workout cards/posters, a few hand weights and some kettleballs. It's gonna get put to good use! I believe I'll be consistent this time.

Jan 30 at 10:16 PM

Me too! I just got signed up. Like... 15-20 minutes ago. I've been telling several of my girls over the last few days about Fabiana's Queen Warriors and I know like 2 of them are signing up tomorrow. I'm excited for really pushing to re-improve my health and get back on target. My weight has fluctuated constantly over the years. I still have my shape, but I definitely need to work on the toning and staying consistent. Something about Fabiana and her health program feels different from others I've tried.
