Good morning Queens. I've been hit and miss... more miss than hit tho, but it's ok. I saw some posts on the fb page and here in QW app that motivated me to just get up and get to it. I have another full weekend of hw ahead of me, but pushed myself to get up and get back moving. Glad I did. Had a great workout this am with a replay of Coach Jamila. Nice and sweaty, even some drip on the glasses. Lol. I'm finishing out another little stretch before I jump in the shower and start my day. But lovelies it's not a race, it's a marathon and we can do this. The hardest part is starting, but then we feel so great afterward. Thank you Fabi for introducing me to this program and community of amazingly like minded beautiful women like yourself and other coaches! Be blessed you all! đ YHWđ - StL, by way of Detroit! đ