Atanis Almanzar yesss! I love the motivation! Keep pushing queen! I’m also doing full body power twice weekly and core barre once. I don’t also do the barre, but I’m going to start adding the glute activation and booty blaster daily because it’s short. I’ve definitely gained muscle and strength. I have no idea about weight because my scale is broken and it be lying to me 😂 (forreal) but I’ve definitely gone down in clothes size and my waist is slimmer💁🏽♀️ so something is happening!
Vanessa NM
Springdale, AR, United States
My heart and soul is shouting “305!” But I’m creating my dream life in Northwest Arkansas. I am changing the stigma about mental health 🧠
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Apr 12 at 06:41 AM
Love you Nay you were truly a blessing 🥲