Vanessa NM

Springdale, AR, United States

My heart and soul is shouting “305!” But I’m creating my dream life in Northwest Arkansas. I am changing the stigma about mental health 🧠


Nov 17 at 02:39 PM


My five year old getting it in this afternoon with coach Raven 🤩



Jun 19 at 07:51 PM

Hello amazing queens! I have a question for those who have started incorporating dandelions tea has anyone noticed the recent onset of stressful nightmares? I’m trying to determine my dandelion tea or something else.



Jun 06 at 01:41 PM

Questions regarding the LyC summer challenge. When I check out it gives me the full annual subscription but I already have that. Do you know how I could just pay for the challenge.


Apr 30 at 12:53 AM

I’ve been struggling mentally, somehow, I’ve been pushing through and making all the workouts. I’m so grateful for Raven. She more than just a coach throughout this. She’s a motivator and my low key therapist, she don’t even know it 🤣. Seriously, I was literally crying at the beginning of the workout, but I made it through. Thank you



Apr 01 at 10:15 PM

I love all the workouts, but these power workouts just give me a sense of strength and confidence that I mutha F’ing love!


Mar 24 at 03:58 PM

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Hello? Am I still Alive? 🤣 y’all I just completed a power workout with Yvona and that was no game every time I thought it was over it wasn’t 🥹 that was intense my body was shaking, and the sweat it dripping but guess what I did it, baby! That was intense though 🤭
My daughter celebrated my accomplishment with a photo.


Mar 11 at 09:23 PM

Queens, help me with some motivation. Tell me your hacks and secrets to push through while PMSing. I’m feeling so low in energy and my mood is so lábile. I want to cry in the middle of a work out 😭 I finished it, but it was intense emotionally lol 🥴 I know next week I’ll tell my self I knew you ain’t no weak one ☝️🫠 u til then help!



Feb 09 at 05:12 PM

Queens! Please share your ideas on meal prepping. I need serious help in this department 😁



Feb 08 at 11:04 PM

Let’s goooo queens! I really didn’t want to do it. I wanted to go to sleep. But guess what I did it and I feel great. Now I’m really ready to sleep. After I shower of course 😂

When you’re hesitant. Just do it! Even if you have to drag your self into it. You won’t regret trying but you will regret not trying.



Feb 08 at 08:45 AM

Y’all I need to give coach Nay a shout out! Just listened to the “411 on carbohydrates” class and OMG 🤯so informative, so easier and I actually feel competent in making food choices. I want to cry. I want to cry tears of joy. I’m catching up since I just joined last week, but WOW!!! Thank you Queen Warrior coaches because y’all just be lifting us up!