Umm confession so I just pulled my calf 😫and don’t know how long I’m going to be out leg wise for not sure how long . I was think maybe I can continue workouts for the challange with arms only upper body? #teamYvona still going to be following guide ! 😅
Foster City, CA, United States
Jun 17 at 04:45 PM
Feb 17 at 07:52 PM
Lmao this morning I had no idea what I was getting into !!!! lol casi me muero 🤣 Samantha! Samantha! & Fabi ! Fabi! (Im still trying to have legs !!!🦵lol ) Just when I thought I was done me pegaron with one more round !!!! My friend was going to join me and then she saw what I was doing and said “ no thank you” lmao 🤣 I’m like that’s not Advance this like Superior higher level haha.. My legs 🦵& booty though we’re on fire! I can’t stop laughing tho oh how after workout I looked so funny .. got sweat in my eyes , like my necklace and hair all over the place . My family thought I went through a hurricane 🌀 haha 😂
Anyways that was HIIT mash up with Samantha & Fabi . That was fun but cray cray ! I’m up for challenge again though but I’m going to need a long minute . Thank goodness for rest days haha #TeamReplay
Jan 23 at 06:49 PM
Hi queens, I’ve been quiet but I’m still here working out 5days a week for at least 1 hr ever since I joined in September of 2023 & since the awesome MOMMY CHALLANGE rolled out. I have lost 26 pounds and I’m so proud of myself but I’m not done yet. Still reaching for more but I’m grateful how far I’ve come and going.
Quick story: I was at my companys annual convention event last week were thousands of people nationwide where present and I cannot express how many wonderful comments I received. Like girl your “hot”, “really pretty”, “you look amazing”. The one that really did it for me and made me tear up was when a guy that I didn’t know came up to me and said “GREAT JOB by the way” . Me: “ for what?” (Inside thought) He goes “ I saw you at the gym getting your workout this morning and looked like you were having fun whatever you were following” and just hit me yo. 🥹😭
Queen Warriors has changed me so just want to give a quick shoutout to all the QW coaches, Fabi , Nay, queens in the community ! I’m listening, still here, still grinding, tired but doing it tired.
Below is a picture I took recently and lol I was just thinking of how silly I look but also how REAL it is . Just says it all .
But really, thanks QW’s 😭 whenever you are having a tough day remember you helped me and still helping me to become a better version of myself I never thought I could be. Xoxo 💋😘
Dec 11 at 05:56 PM
1HR HIIT Replay w/ Fabi … my mind today is arguing with me and I cannot with it today. This morning , my body didn’t want to move .Then, I was craving my kids waffles so I immediately took out kale, egg whites, and my red pepper sauce from fridge. I really don’t know what in the world I was making but I know it had to be healthy and actually it came out good haha . Anyway the struggle is real every day is not perfect …ugh mind keeps playing tricks but I have my H2O ready to save me and a mango to satisfy the cravings. #surviving #onestepatatime #breathe
Nov 30 at 10:49 AM
Dang no warning , no nada 🤣Reached new Heart Rate zones today. Almost went to red zone haha. Fabi and Jamila great Mash Up! I’m so happy though I did better than I expected and felt good . Drinking lots of water and making sure get my greens and protein in . Thank you ! Wow! Oh and ladies if your catching this replay you need two water bottles haha!