Alisa Gines

Jul 13 at 05:26 PM

Esperanza Moreno Thank you, Queen!

Jul 13 at 02:14 PM

Thank you, Queen ♥️♥️

Jul 13 at 01:11 PM

Thank you, Queen. Congratulations and you have no idea how much I need that ♥️♥️


Jul 13 at 09:31 AM

This time last year, I weighed 202 lbs and wasn't using the tools to lose the weight properly to reach my goal. This morning I stepped on the scale and I'm 175 lbs. 27 lbs down. So excited that I not only put in the work but have a community to keep going. Thank you, QW!



Jul 10 at 06:12 AM

1 year of honestly saying you are more than you think you are. Just give yourself a chance. Everyday isn't pretty but I do the best I can. It's an awesome feeling when others ask what I do for excercise and I can proudly say Queen Warriors. I also chose to begin my Therapy journey yesterday and it wasn't a bad as I thought it would be.



Jul 09 at 06:12 AM

Good morning Queens! As I was working out with Coach Aimee this morning (Full-body Power and HIIT), I couldn't help but notice the strength I have over the last 10 weeks and how I'm not taking as many breaks as I used to. Our bodies are amazing! Have a wonderful day! ♥️♥️😍

Jun 27 at 06:23 AM

Keep going you got this!! ♥️💪🏾💪🏾


Jun 20 at 08:12 PM

Quinoa, meatless crumble (pea protien), nutritional yeast, spinach and tomatoes. #teamraven

Jun 14 at 04:48 PM

I think I did pretty well considering my entire home is boxed up and I'm moving tomorrow morning. I still prioritized my mornings with working out, drinking water and meals were a little hard due to work schedule and commuting from new home to old home. Tried to eat by 8:30pm as a cut off. Sleep feels better though and I have more energy.


Jun 10 at 06:47 AM

Trina Thank you, Queen ❤️❤️❤️