
Thats alllll me this time around girl !

Oct 04 at 11:04 AM

You know its crazy how the universe works im struggling to start back up but my phone has been blowing up with likes from this post that was 3 months ago :( me inspiring u girls is insipring me to get back on it ! 🥰🥰💖 we allll got this lets goooooooo


Oct 02 at 12:12 PM

Not sure what's going on if my eyes aren't working lol when does this start? I signed up, but does it start next week?


Aug 20 at 02:48 PM

Hey ladies, I feel like I've been out of the loop for about over a month. Are there any challenges going on or soon to be started… I don't have Instagram anymore!! I know Fabi post a lot on there!!:(


Aug 09 at 09:32 AM

So I've been sick for the last five days. It's always such a heartbreak because I have to stop working out now. I'm five days behind on my 30 day challenge but you know what I'm coming back harder and I'm coming back stronger and I'm doubling up so that I can make up for what I lost, I haven't gotten ready in like two weeks. I've just had my mommy bun and quick go make up. I honestly feel like I'm hibernating right now and that's OK. Love this community so much and I'm ready to get back to it this week. I'm still so very proud of myself. So I'm gonna post a very vulnerable picture, but my goal is to hopefully finally lose this mommy pouch and flatten that tummy! This is my progress picture before you. I'll See you again in October with an update wish me luck!!

Aug 02 at 08:20 AM

My mom, I see is trying so hard to overcome. She has the idea but she just needs a little bit more resources to help her push that idea and grave. The idea that she is worthy. My auntie has been struggling with self-love since nine years old she's almost 50 my mom gave me a little insight on how they grew up and they brought me to tears how Women had to grow up at nine or 12 years old. 😓


Aug 02 at 08:19 AM

Do any of you queens know how to either do Spanish captions or change the language to Spanish? My mother and my aunt could really really really benefit from this program. I have grown so much and I'm breaking generational curses! But my mom and my aunt did not have that luxury of having social media to be able to connect to other women! My aunt and my mom I see are still stuck in generational curses but they speak. Is there anything we can do to help our Latina community? This past class and a lot of other mindset classes would really change and inspire my aunt thinking. 😭😭😭😓😓🥹🥹🥹💯💯


This was so needed!

Jul 25 at 08:53 PM

Oh my gosh, I am so sad. I do not get on Instagram! I wish I would've known this.!

Jul 25 at 10:16 AM

Start with a dance class !!!!! Something not stressful something fun something to move the energy out of your body
