
Jul 25 at 10:15 AM

Core challange??? When did this start?

Jul 25 at 10:13 AM

I was listening to the mindset coaching on Tuesday and I really honor you for your truthfulness. It's crazy that at the same timeline I was going through about the same thing.! When you said you would eat for candy bars, and soda i related ! Thank u queen


Jun 25 at 09:52 AM

Let's go week three day two all caught up. I'm so excited. I'm going to start putting the postpartum recovery into my days.!!!!! I almost didn't do it, but I disciplined myself today!!!

Me too ! Lets goooo queen


Jun 24 at 09:29 AM

Day 1 week 4 with weeks 2 day 4 stretch :)))) lets goooo
"Ooooh-ooooh-ooooh-oooooooooooooooh" whats up whats up -yvonnas voice


Jun 22 at 10:45 AM

1 / 4
2 / 4
3 / 4
4 / 4

Queens!! I am so in love. I am in love with life. I am in love with my progress. I am in love with queen Warriors! I am in love with with my motivation to better myself, whether it involves me walking alone because my goals do not align with others right now… But these Snapchat memories make it so worth my fight every day! I am almost in tears just thinking how happy I have become looking back two years ago I was in a really, really dark postpartum stage I just had a baby. I was in emotional term oil, I was living in a victim mindset, I myself was becoming the monster I was so fearful of, But investing that $1 free trial on myself was theee best thing ever. I'm a C-section mom 3x . May 21, I turned 30 my oldest is 10 years old. I have a nine year-old and a 2 .5 year-old boy. let me tell you I've been up and down. My issue is emotional binge eating, but I've learned to forgive myself and restart every day. Thank you to this platform once again i love this for us ✨ I hope to one day become an ambassador, I speak queen Warriors everywhere I go to any woman I Come across, speaking about self-love and self-help and how this platform can change your life if you dedicate your time and love to yourself!


Girl, I am so scared. I'm doing that today.


Jun 20 at 10:54 AM

Doubled up week 1,2 upper body :) feeling ripped


Jun 18 at 04:17 PM

So many unexpected life challanges i fell off :( been emotionally eating and not drinking water :(
Part of me just wants to give up, but the queen Warrior part of me is going to Reset and restart!!!
#teamyvonna I won't let you down. I'm going to double up and catch up.💖💖💖 I AM. QUEEN WARRIOR


What are your post workout meals looking Like ladies?