January 11

Accountability check in: Day 10 of 30 days of movement. #NEW

I’m still here! Started the workout with the booty and abs with Fabiana and wrapped up with Raven Cruz

The issue I’m having right now is eating. I feel like I’m scared to eat too much… I am following the custom meal plan I received with the fab fit Christmas but I feel like I’m eating a lot. I know that sounds crazy… my old eating habits were bad - go all day with only having a venti espresso with cold foam from Starbucks then once I get the boys to bed I’ll eat scraps and snacks while I watched a show or doom scrolled. Now eating through the day I feel very full and am slowly getting out of the late night eating cravings but I guess it’s just the transition I need to get used to as well is realizing my body is adjusting from living off survival mode to actually being given nutrients and a sustainable eating routine. I need to more diligent about water consumption…

Wendy!! How you doin’, girl!! I hope you have a chill weekend and find some time for us Queens.