Priscilla Ortiz

Jun 19 at 08:19 PM

Hi queen. I haven’t experienced that since drinking the tea. I’m sorry to hear you are going through that. I randomly go through episodes when this happens to me. And it horrible. Hopefully it passes.



Jun 18 at 03:04 PM

Lunch today was spinach teriyaki turkey meatballs 😋 jasmine rice and broccoli + green beans on the side. Simple but soooo good!



Jun 17 at 09:39 PM

Week 2 Day 1 ☑️

Jun 17 at 02:12 PM

Hi queen, I understand this post so much! I also went through a separation after 21 years. In the mist of trying to heal I completely lost myself. In more ways than 1. And here I am 4 years later tired of putting myself last. I tried several times but I kept falling off until now. I was ready I was committed and girl can nothing stop me now. I am so in love with myself because I am creating a better version of me. Meal prepping has helped me. I write down my meal plan for the day. That way I stay focused on and consistent with the plan. I don’t care what my day looked like or how I feel. I come home every day and I put in that work!!! During the last challenge I lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks. But I know the scale fluctuates because I also built muscle. It was the inches lost and The pics that was proof to my dedication. So I’d say be sure to be consistent and keep showing up for you. And come to this community. Everyday these woman inspired me and motivated me. You’d be surprised how much this community can help you achieve your goals. Good luck queen. You got this 💪🏽


Jun 17 at 11:28 AM

lol, thank you! It has helped me so much. Having to come home from work, work out and cook was leaving me getting to bed way to late. It’s a process but it’s worth it!



Jun 17 at 09:00 AM

1 / 7
2 / 7
3 / 7
4 / 7
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Meals prepped for half the week. I kept the easier preps for Wed night being that I get home later on that day. Happy Monday Queens!!! Week 2 I’m coming for you.


Jun 11 at 05:57 PM

Hi queen, they unfortunately have been removed.



Jun 11 at 09:38 AM

1 / 2
2 / 2

Been wanting to try this. Grabbed me the bundle with the coffee and over night oats. I love that it comes with protein. This morning I drank a cup of the coffee and I was pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed it. The flavor was just as described. Rich, chocolatey flavor. I added hazelnut almond milk and it was a perfect combination. I made myself the over night oats and wow so yummy! I made mine with protein oat milk and a small amount of honey. If you’ve been wanting to try I would suggest you do! Ready the cleanse this gut and get healthy inside and out!!! Loving this journey 🌺👑💪🏽

Replied on post was deleted

Jun 10 at 08:04 PM

Jay G your welcome love

Commented on post was deleted

Jun 10 at 07:12 PM

Hi queen! This is video one on the playlist. Hope you get access soon, no queen left behind 🌺


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