Tara valentine

Jacksonville, FL, United States

Growing everyday


Jan 23 at 06:07 PM

Hey Queens / coaches is there any workouts that would be good for innner thighs like Specifically I’m really determined to tone before just shedding and I’m noticing my inner thighs are less toned then my outer thigh any suggestions on that …..


Jan 09 at 09:30 PM

Hey queens ware is the link to get the queen warrior supplements , an the Queen warrior Necklace



Aug 22 at 09:44 PM

Hey Queens so I’ve been paying close attention to what I eat I’ve been pretty good but I have my days one thing I need is a Coffee before I start my day so I’ve cut my coffee down to one cup however I have to have creamer is this a good swap for regular creamer or is there something better out there I should try ……..


Aug 21 at 11:13 AM

Hey does anyone find waist trainers to be helpful or are they a waste ……



May 01 at 08:46 PM

Paid for the my fitness pal it’s worth all 19 of my dollars I went with the immune support food program BTW 4 pounds down and I do intermittent fasting also ……