
a single mom of special 3 kids just trying to be here for them

Dec 24 at 12:18 PM

Thank you ladies !



Dec 23 at 05:49 PM

So I’ve been very proud of myself I’ve been working out so hard since the challenge. I was also fasting. And only ate 1 meal with meat. I started getting dizzy spells. But I lost 10 pounds. Then I was uncontrollably sleepy. I also had a pap that came back with hpv cells even though I was vaccinated as a child. I saw my regular doctor and my gynecologist I get the test results Friday. So in the meantime. My sleepiness and dizziness isn’t getting any better. Well queens turns out I’m pregnant! When I say God sprung this up on me. I’m be been planning things in my life and my goals I’ve been accomplishing. I bought my mom a car recently working on my kids book and nonprofit with my sisters business. My next goal was a house and now bam! So I say this to say pay attention to your body. Don’t get so caught up in life where you don’t pay attention and get so fixated on losing. That was me I was in denial. I was told it was my fasting and turns out it’s a whole baby ! So pray for me I’m high risk all my kids were micro preemies except my last she was just preemie. Can’t believe I’m a be a mom of 4 !


I wish I had live classes with her I love her style


Nov 11 at 02:55 PM

I really do like the lives the fall challenge I’ve been super focused on those challenges. But before the lives was great. Asking questions getting live motivation to keep going. The interaction with the coaches it was nice. I guess what time would the lives be? I know everyone is trying to save so I get it. Just some things I’ll miss.

Nov 04 at 10:24 AM

Hi I like to start mine the moment I wake up because when I see my watch at the end of the day saying I burned over 1000 calories it keeps me motivated. Another thing is I look at my mommy pouch stomach. I’ve had a few stomach surger my c section is when I got this flap like pouch. I say to myself you’re going to get rid of it the more I tell myself I am the more I do. Hope this helps

Nov 04 at 10:20 AM

Thank you for responding!


Oct 31 at 05:28 PM

Thank you so much 😊

Oct 31 at 08:06 AM

Thank you ladies ☺️



Oct 31 at 12:58 AM

Learning how to give myself grace I’ve been trying to do at least 10k steps a day and today I just didn’t make it. I feel like mom life school life work life and businesses me I’m always last I’m working on nothing is done all in a day like I would
Like so I’m working on saying it’s ok



Oct 29 at 10:09 PM

I’ve been proud of me. Proud of this community keep going ladies we got this !