Nay Moreno

May 31 at 12:30 AM

Damn I love both of these coaches for different reasons I have no idea which one I’m gonna choose!!!!

May 31 at 12:19 AM

Wait how do I get it for $19 I only see it including QW membership and obviously I already have that. Is it same pricing for us that have QW membership already??


Apr 05 at 12:18 AM

Long post because it’s been MONTHS since I’ve gotten on this app. Gotta hop on here just for the accountability:
The 27th of March it was a year since I joined QW. I have so many mixed feedings because I’ve actually gained more weight since the time I joined. I was pretty consistent for several weeks but I eventually took the bar exam, another required exam after that, went through a really hard hit in my marriage, still passed both the bar and the other exam and got licensed. I’ve been an attorney since the year started and it’s now April. I don’t know where time went I’ve been so focused on my life outside of me that I don’t know how to push hard enough to set aside time or have enough energy or mental headspace to push myself in a workout.
Add on the fact that I eventually want another baby and I am almost at the same weight I was when I was 9 months pregnant with my second baby. There is NO way I can get pregnant right now when I’ll gain much more weight pregnant again. So that’s my motivation to focus on me wholeheartedly again.

All this to say I feel so silly, I have worked my @$$ off to get to where I’m at, I’m a flipping attorney but I don’t know how to have enough motivation and discipline to make a permanent change in my life when it comes to my health and fitness.
Don’t know that anybody will care enough to get to the bottom of this, and I could have sent this to my best friend but she’s heard me stress about this enough there is nothing else for her to tell me hahahaha. I think y’all will at least get it.
Solution because I am an attorney so can’t see a problem without thinking of the solution: start small again. But in actuality doing the actual workouts when I’m mentally exhausted or too tired to get up super early is where I have been falling short.

Any feedback would be MUCH appreciated. If anybody is serious about staying consistent and wants to team up to make sure we work out 3 times a week, I’d be ecstatic. Comment below if you’re serious. It’s so good to hop back in here after so long. 💗


Apr 04 at 11:55 PM

What’s the name of the supp? I’m on a hunt! Lol