Jessica Carroll


Feb 27 at 11:06 AM

Just started back up after taking a week and a half break. I was 5 weeks in and my body started to not feel well.
Went to the doctor and I have been diagnosed with early on-set Rheumatoid Arthiritis. I wasn’t able to dress myself (my husband had to help me), and I couldn’t even hold my baby. Y’all, I felt useless.
Started doing some Google searches to see how I can fight back the inflammation I had all over my body.
Diet is a big one. And low impact exercise.
I’m thankful for this program. I’m going to push through and hopefully with the big change in diet and working out through this program, I can live with RA and feel normal again. Sammi Fabiana



Jan 04 at 07:13 PM

Hi everyone! I’m on my second day of working out. I haven’t worked out since before I had my 18mo old baby. I am also on a vegan diet.
I’d like to know if there are any vegans in here who can give tips on getting enough protein and calories to build muscle. I’d appreciate any guidance or suggestions!!
I’m super excited to be on this journey!

Jan 03 at 05:26 PM

Thank you!!!


Jan 03 at 02:51 PM

Following because I would also love the one for beginners.