Grace López

Chicago, IL, United States

Adding weights (hand and ankle) - chef's kiss!  Thank you, Aimee Johnson!!💪


Everything I needed today.  Thank you Yvona Gonzalez!!


Yvona Gonzalez, YOU are what I needed today.  This barre class was ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥!

This replay was ❤️‍🔥! I definitely chose violence with my cloth band but my peach thanks you Chasity

Chasity, you made my day today with this slow burner!!  I'm weak but this upper body is doing the damn thang!  

Help, this is not a video. 🫤


Jul 29 at 06:05 PM

Let's go!

LOVEEEEE!  Thank you Yvonne Gonzalez!!



thighs and booty are screaming.  W4D2 done!