Kyla Morris

Detroit, MI, United States

New year the goal is to get better and stay focused. Mind, body, spirit 😍😜😍

Jan 12 at 06:12 PM


Omg. Yes absolutely. This is perfect. This reply just made me feel a lot more comfortable. I'm back at in the morning. I'm currently eating some fruit. Yellow dragon fruit, Asian pears, and star fruit. I'm ready to get active. Thanks so much.


Jan 12 at 03:04 PM

Hey ladies. I'm just getting back in the groove. This past year was really trying for me. I'm ready to get back on track. Starting tomorrow morning 10 minute booty and ab workout before work. Ready to get focused 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


Jan 12 at 03:00 PM

Hey Joannie. I'm going to be following you girl. I'm just starting back. I have to focused this year. Let's go