Yaviri Escalera

Feb 04 at 06:14 AM

As long as you are getting them in, that's what matters.


Commented on (02/07/25) Friday

Feb 04 at 06:12 AM

Can't wait for this one!


Replay time!

Jan 28 at 07:19 PM

Replay. My 3 year old grandson joined me.


Jan 28 at 06:14 AM

I've been consistent with my workouts for 3 weeks and starting with the beginner ones to get back into the groove. I also switched up my workouts to 5 a.m. so I have no excuse to not do them. It's been a while shift in mindset because I'm more of a night owl. What I'm realizing is I am who I make myself into so early bird season it is.


Loved this replay!

Loved the reveal and a great replay!

Doing the replay!