Jissell Martinez

Favorite! Sweat was authentic


This was a sweaty one. Loved it!


Nov 20 at 06:46 AM

I didn’t get the email either so it was quite a surprise. I never attend live classes either but love catching replays. Now that they’ve reduced classes, i hope they offer more of a balance between upper and lower body workouts as sometimes i would only find one upper body power workout every 7-9 days.

Loved this sweaty power workout. I also appreciate that you did not pause your workout in between sets to talk or story tell. You mean business!

Loved loved this format of the strength and plyo combo. Please repeat this format!

Loved this format. Please repeat this format!!!


Awesome replay!!!!!!

Loved this upper body!

Congrats Jamila!!!!!!! My guess was that it was a girl because you are never out of breathe.

Replay complete! I really really appreciate that you have a talent for working out while talking and story telling because I often find myself fast forwarding during other coaches workouts while they talk