Ruth Torres

Great workout. Thank you.


OMG just what I needed a boost of energy. Thank you ❤️

Aug 19 at 03:17 PM

Sylvia Gonzalez I know the feeling always keep in mind also the more the body feels your stress the more pain you will feel.  Green juice (p.m) here is my go to 1 c kale, 1 c spinach, 1/2 dandelion (optional), 1 c pineapple,  2 apples, 1 or 2 cucumbers (depending on the size), 1 thump size ginger and tumeric.  AM juice - 1 c pineapple, 2 apples, 1 or 2 cucumber, ginger, 6 carrots. Liver cleanse juice - carrots, apples, beets, thumb size ginger (beets can be replaced with purple cabbage).  I did the liver cleanse for 1 week first thing in the morning, 2nd am juice (above) and dinner the green juice with fish.  Listen to your body everyone is different but this is what has helped so much. Hope this helps you as well.  Feel free to reach out. 💓

Aug 15 at 12:18 PM

I have sciatica (2 years now & spend countless money on treatments).  Just about 30 days ago I decided to go on a juice fast with protein for dinner mainly fish along with a green juice and my pain level went from an 8 to like a 2/3.  Cut off all processed foods/sugars.  Add ginger and tumeric to the juices as well as pineapple.  I can not stress how important it is to cutoff ALL processed foods and sugars.  Once your inflammation goes down so will the pain.  Also the longer you stay in bed the worst it will get try to move even if it hurts.  Feel better 💓.

Aug 14 at 01:10 PM

I did try that but they only have 2 videos available and for Monday just the affirmation video.  Thank you.  I guess I will have to do some of the other workouts.



Aug 14 at 08:48 AM

Hello ladies. Question… are live classes posted afterwards? Because of work I can’t catch them live but want to do them after. I see Mondays and Tuesdays are not available for replay.