Cydney Anderson


Jun 22 at 10:21 AM

W2D4- week 2 completed! Because I skipped a extra day, I rocked out D3&D4 this morning and I feel soo much better than I thought I would.
Happy Saturday Queens!!!!
#TeamRaven #Upperbody #Bootyblast



Jun 19 at 07:36 AM

W2D2- My focus is to lose inches, tone up and about 5-10lbs max. As i am just 1 year away from turning 40 i plan to be reborn in a sense and it starts now . Thank you ladies for all the encouraging words, positive energy, and just being there over all. We all need this for one reason or another, let’s keep up the great fight and push through , even on days when you don’t your best to do so . #mindovermatter #QueenWarriorEnergy



Jun 17 at 09:33 PM

W2D1 - had a slow start last week , and I’ll admit that i fell off but im back this week with a vengeance. Let’s go ladies !!!