
Jun 10 at 03:12 AM

Thank you all.. Let’s do this! We got this ladies…


Jun 06 at 07:47 PM

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Hey Nichole here…but please call me Co Co. Just joined the LYS SUMMER 🏖️2024 challenge. My biggest goal is to work on these love handles and excess fat around my stomach and to get my stomach flat with a six pack lol. I look pretty good for having 6 kids,(all sons|boys. Teens,young adults) have birth to 7. (Rest in heaven to my babygirl who passed at the tender age of 3months. This is my time to shine, gain my confidence Back! (Survivor of DV 💜) I’m determined to work on myself Physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. I deserve it! Oh, I also wanna loose a little weight in my arms. Im currently 5”6 160 1bs. Wish me luck! 🍀 #TeamRaven