Ash Johnson

Greensboro, NC, United States

What a replay! The way I yelled, SHE LIED, when we went into that lightening round with the mountain climbers 🤣🤣 thank you

REPLAY!! Thank you, perfect for my “I really don’t want to work out today” day! I feel better now

Catching the replay! Thank you and best of luck Sammi!


I only have the capacity for this replay today but tomorrow, I’m back! Thank you!

Yes to FINISHING the replay! Congrats on your little growing bundle, Congrats on 5 years of marriage!


Thank you, this replay reset me. I never want to work out, like never. But the queens are teaching me to show up for myself everyday

Yea replay!! I DID NOT want to work out today but this was good, thank you

RE-PLAY!!! Thank you!


I cannot believe I MADE IT THROUGH this replay!!! Whew!! The towel slides bout took me out!!! 👏🏽👏🏽