Yes Replay!!
Ash Johnson
Greensboro, NC, United States
Commented on 6 months difference even from the tim...
Commented on WEEK 1 DONE TEAM RAVEN ✅Let’s go ladi...
Commented on It’s the OFFICIAL KICK OFFFFFF TO THE...
Greensboro, NC, United States
Commented on 6 months difference even from the tim...
Commented on WEEK 1 DONE TEAM RAVEN ✅Let’s go ladi...
Commented on It’s the OFFICIAL KICK OFFFFFF TO THE...
Commented on So I’ve been very proud of myself I’v...
Dec 29 at 02:58 AM
Congrats! Just had a girlfriend go through a high risk pregnancy. Hey last two are micro preemies too. Turns out she had a genetic predisposition to preeclampsia and took baby aspirin her whole pregnancy. She made it to 37 weeks this time! I’m praying the same for you mama! ❤️❤️