Anny Perdomo

Hi Jessica! Thank you for sharing part of your story. I agree! We just have to push through 💜💜 we got this!!

Hi beautiful! Thank you so so much for your words of encouragement💜 this is helpful and you’re right i truly just need to push through the resistance ✨


Sara Moss

Sara! I appreciate your energy and time in responding to my post💜this is certainly helpful and i honestly think i'm just thinking about it too much, as you said "don't even think about it, just do it"! I will take your words of encouragement and just click play even if im not in the mood or dressed for it.

I'm happy to hear that you have grown in your own journey here! So proud of you and i know i will be there one day myself! We all have to start somewhere right💕

Sending you lots of love!



Jan 05 at 01:09 AM

Hi everyone👋🏽🥹

My name is Anny💜✨
It’s my first time here and I am posting to kindly ask for your support and accountability. I joined this community because I do not have time for the gym and because I’ve always struggled with looking forward to working out.
Since joing, I still have not attended any of the workout lives🥺 I know I want to but feel unmotivated when I start thinking of having to exercise. Does anyone have any advice or words of motivation? I journaled tonight and wrote down that one of the ways to hold myself accountable is by making this post.

Thank you!
Much love💜