Katherine B

Completed as my morning workout and I feel so good. Thank you Aimee!


Apr 26 at 10:49 PM

That sounds a lot better for me right now than just going cold turkey because today was just hard. Thank you!

Apr 26 at 12:08 PM

Yes, my goal is to hopefully eliminate coffee since I was drinking most of my calories with the added creamer and sugar. Will def look into B12, thank you!


Apr 26 at 11:43 AM

Hey ladies!
Is anyone else struggling with what seems like a caffeine/ sugar withdrawal. I love my coffee light (half n half) and sweet but since Monday I have not had any. The cravings and sluggishness are bad today. Maybe a nap will help 😩



Apr 22 at 12:52 PM

Lunch when you have 4 kids home from school. Def need to meal prep a little better moving forward but trying to up my veggie intake.
Hope you’re all doing well so far! 🫶🏽

Apr 19 at 07:43 AM

Thank you, Tiana!


Apr 18 at 08:17 AM

Do I need to show my face in the pictures? 🫣If so, Will they be used on social media? Thanks!


Apr 16 at 09:42 AM

I believe the $19 was a early bird special, it most likely ended already and the price went up.

Exactly what I needed! So good 👏🏼