Isela Valenzuela

Imperial, CA, United States

Jan 23 at 09:49 PM

Elise Brunner omg! 🀣 I can almost hear it!

Jan 23 at 07:24 PM

Take a trip to pity city and come back up! I let myself feel my sadness, but then I think of the good that's coming from it even if it isn't scale victory related. Can I move around better? Am I stronger? Am I healthier? I remind myself that If I were to not workout, I'd probably be doing something that isn't productive at all. So I accept those as victories and keep it up.

Jan 22 at 10:17 AM

I need to replay this one!

Jan 10 at 06:23 PM


Ah! I made mine on new years but Still excited!

Jan 10 at 10:55 AM

Omg. I love this 😍


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Jan 10 at 10:38 AM

Coach Nay yes! That would be so helpful and amazing 😍 and I also imagine very entertaining! Lol

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Jan 09 at 06:58 PM

What up Coach Nay ! I'm doing the lycπŸ’œ and it's just a struggle trying to make meals or come up with ideas with what we are limited to. I love food and I also struggle with portion sizes. Maybe one week with a cooking segment? 😍

Jan 06 at 01:00 AM

I do hiit and power in a day or an hour long workout. I just aim to do an hour.

Jan 04 at 09:37 PM

My condolences to all the queens, myself included, who died on their mat from this workout. πŸ™


Jan 04 at 09:04 PM

Hurt so good!