October 03, 2024

I just joined the LYC challenge and it’s my first challenge, taking these pictures today really made me feel a bit insecure, more than than I already was. But I know it will be worth it and I’m confident this will work because when you commit to the QW program it really works and targets all the right places, I did amazing prior to this past year before I fell off. I plan on commiting to this challenge 100% , I started with QW from day one Instagram days I had lost 15 lbs and my body was pretty muscular I was so proud, booty was bootying, but I fell off about a year ago due to marriage issues and life happening. I gained a lot of weight throughout this time because I started turning to food for comfort. Now I’m turning to God first and to this challenge second. I look forward to these 6 weeks !! #focused #excited #sheready