
Bloomfield, CT, United States

Nov 17 at 11:30 AM

I was a bit disappointed and surprised to see the pic of the man on the letter email that what’s sent.

But let’s focus on the bigger picture we have some amazing coaches on here.

This OUR world ladies. We can do this. Let’s continue to encourage one another

It’s the winter blues. We have to praised and embrace one another.



Nov 17 at 11:26 AM

I believe we still have our coaches but few less LIVE classes.

Let’s hope for the best ladies. Some of US don’t like changes. But we can do this. Let’s stay focus.

Because let me tell YOU

is easier said than done.

Nov 15 at 12:55 PM

Thank you


Nov 14 at 06:38 PM

So no more live coach classes. Just replay. I usually go back to replay. But try to get on one or 2 lives per week.

So how are we connecting with live coaches.

Oh hell help!!!! Great workout 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️. Thank you Queen.

Replay HIIT & Power with Raven.

Wow!!! What a sweat 😓. Great workout.