
May 13 at 04:07 PM

Absolutely AMAZING!!!!!

Hello Queens. Was feeling a bit under the weather today and was truly contemplating on whether or not to finish off Week 3. I’m so glad that my mental is beyond strong and did it. Absolutely great stretch! Have an awesome weekend Queens. Happy Mommies Day!


That’s LIGHTNING round should be illegal 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Oh but what a feeling!!!! I love EVERY second of it.

You did it girl!!!!!

Congrats on your accomplishments Grace!


Congrats on all Catherine!

May 04 at 03:52 PM

Isabel… are doing your thing! You look FABULOUS Queen.

May 04 at 10:24 AM

Know that when you’re feeling down, that’s when you push yourself to exercise Those are by far the BEST workouts.

May 04 at 10:21 AM

You are doing it gurl. Continue and don’t give up! You look FABULOUS!


Yaaaaas Amanda dreading the longer class is real. But we did it!!!!!