
May 24 at 07:40 PM

Hi Valerie. Just like Christine said… it is 6 weeks. Usually the next week gets posted by Friday evening or Saturday. I’m sure it’ll show up soon. Have a great weekend.


May 22 at 02:44 PM

Congrats Ana!!!!!! Keep it up girl.

May 22 at 02:40 PM

Yaaaaaaaaaaaas Priscilla. You’re doing it!!!

Good morning Queens. Happy, happy Tuesday. Great “wake up” workout! You got this ladies!

May 20 at 10:14 PM

Happy birthday Queen Estreya! Go ahead and cry if you need to. We’ll all be here to wipe those tears. You got this. You are for sure in the right place. Nothing but genuine positive vibes here. I bet if you try those clothes on in two weeks they’ll fit!!!!!! We got you sis.

May 20 at 06:34 PM

Yaaaaaaaaaa Anita. You are your FIRST priority. As women we naturally tend to take care of others first and leave ourselves for last. I’m soooo glad that you are doing YOU! Keep it up QUEEN!

May 20 at 06:30 PM

Erica…that is HILARIOUS!

Yaaaaaaas….we welcome this type of “abuse” because it’ll change our lives in so many beautiful ways. ❤️❤️❤️


Happy, Happy Monday Beautiful Queens! Oooooohhhhhhh….my glutes are on Fuego. Yaaaaaaaaassss……week 5 ladies. Let’s keep pushing one another.

Good morning Queens. Whew….great workout for 5:00 am!!! Nice and sweaty…ready for the day. Happy Thursday beautiful ladies. Get it!!!!!


Good morning Beautiful Queens. Whew…great way to start a Terrific Tuesday.