Christina Darius

Jun 10 at 02:53 PM

Coach Raven! Looking to eat healthier than I did the spring challenge, loose inches around my waist and gain muscle as well!


Jun 02 at 12:50 PM

Love your results! Congratulations 🎉🎉

Jun 01 at 09:29 AM

Love your transparency as well. But your right you do have this and when you think about all the things god brought you through before , know that you will get through this and any other times that challenge you or make you feel less than. Unlearning habits that don’t serve you takes time, be patient becoming someone you haven’t been before! Sending positive vibes and energy your way! I know the feeling and sometimes it does feel lonely but your a queen warrior and we got you boo!


Jun 01 at 09:20 AM

Sorry you weren’t feeling to well! Hopefully this week is better. I agree it definitely was hard to choose but I figure since I started with coach ray and she gave me a good jumpstart I’ll keep going with the summer challenge too! You got this!


Jun 01 at 09:17 AM

Nice work hunny! You did that! Congratulations on your transformation!


This workout was something else boy. Thanks coach Ray

May 16 at 06:25 PM

Congrats! 🎉🎉

Coach Raven! That workout was the truth! I started to call for help and almost felt like throwing up but I pushed through! Love it!


Yes this workout was it. Did it with my little man his weights lol

Loved the workout and loved the talking session! Yassss to coach Raven for giving the reminders!