W2 D4 was fun!!! I havent seen results physically but yday while cooking i opened 2 brand new GLASS JARS!!!! sooooo u know.... She-Hulk in the making!!!
So this might be TMI... but today i woke up feeling VERY blahhhh & heavy/ down. Throughout the day i noticed i was getting bloated and altho i was hungry i couldnt really eat. I went for a flatbread veggie from publix. I really wanted a greasy NY pizza. So ya know what that means ya girl is going to be visited by Aunt Flo soon. And altho i couldnt do W2D1 I made it my bidness to do W2D2! Soooo proud of myself for not letting this blah heavy feeling take me out!!! And i was able to do all the exercises no modifying or pausing!!! Now to shower and a mimirrr!!! Cuz ur girl tyyyyyuuudddd!!!