January 10, 2024

Hey I’m Brittany I started back working out in October but wasn’t as consistent I started your program in November this was something seemingly that I could actually keep up with there was a schedule and the lives help me not feel alone doing it !!!! This year I decided to truly keep my vow to God with my body just as well as I do with everything else my Body is a temple of the Holy spirt and how dare I give God spirit a broke down house to reside in I’m intentionally giving God my yes and my best . So that means a chapter a day prayer daily not to get tangible things but to receive spiritually , studying the word and journal what God reveals through his word !!! This year my mind will be renewed in him and I will faithfully Shepard the call and steward the gifts he has given me , be a better steward over my Body and obey God , I WILL NOT SPEND 40 years in the wilderness for disobedience but will learn from Israel’s mistakes and remember the test God had to bring me through so that I’d obey him and his commands!!! This year I’m but my Faith in ACTION !!!!