Happy Sunday Queens,
My name is Anita. I am 50 yrs old married and have a 23 & 14 year old daughters. I am only 5 feet and considered obese 😔 I need to lose 30 lbs and need to get rid of this Fupa. I first became a QW member back in 2022 then I fell off as, I wasn’t fully invested in myself. I came back in 2023 and still was not consistent. When the #LYC Spring Challenge came out, I went in heads on and took it seriously but struggled with my nutrition. I completed the 6 weeks, losing 5lbs and a few inches here and there but, felt like this time around I woke up every day looking forward to my workouts. My husband even noticed, I was leaving my outfits out the night before and waking up at 5-5:30am for my time.
Now with the new #LYC Summer Challenge starting tomorrow, my goal is not only to show up every day, but to complete each workout and meal prep to have better results and just get my mojo back. This time around I have to go with Team Yvona because I need to sculpt, tone and build muscle.
I am so ready!!
June 09, 2024